It is well established that being overweight or obese the chances of developing low back pain . With this in mind , it is logical to see weight loss as a treatment for back pain . Rapid weight loss , however, can cause back pain in a number of ways.
Rapid weight loss diets often revolve around the principle of ketosis , where the body burns fat , due to a decrease in the supply of sugar to burn it receives. Low carb diets fall into this category . When cutting grains and fruits, to miss some of the nutrients that you normally get . The whole body is affected by malnutrition ; muscles will not be able to function properly and can contract or weaken , causing them to become easily strained.
If your diet restricts certain food groups, you should take supplements to ensure your body gets the nutrients it needs. Look Ideal Protein plan to take measures to compensate for the loss of nutrients.
Low -carb diets like Atkins and Zone diets are diuretics, but increase the loss of water to lose weight fast. If the instructions misinformed or not , is easily dehydrated by following one of these diets .
The body is composed of about 70 % water . Intervertebral discs depend on water to keep the height and ability to absorb shock. Dehydration reduces fluid available for discs of the spine , which could lead to accelerated disc degeneration , bulging or herniation. Muscles also require fluids to receive and absorb the electrolyte. When dehydrated, the muscles begin to cramp .
If you want to follow a low carb diet , make sure your plan includes instructions on water consumption .
Loss of muscle tone
Some people even plan the rapid weight loss with a low calorie intake are responsible for any strenuous activity such as exercise for some time , because the body adapts to less fuel. Physical inactivity can lead to a rapid loss of muscle tone . The muscles of the lower back and abdomen are intended to work together to support the upper body and the alignment of the spine. As these muscles soften , posture may suffer. Several muscles throughout backache , neck and shoulder and become strained due to poor posture .
Weight loss plans involve some people intensive , regular exercise to help burn fat. If you take in less calories and burn more of them , you can put your health at risk.
Your body needs calories for energy and repair. If you work your muscles harder and give more fuel to work , you are more sensitive strains . Also, do not get enough rest for the muscles to heal is a cause of back pain among dieters . Intense workouts should not be performed on a daily basis.
Although the exact reason is not known , diets low in fat and / or calories can disrupt the functioning of the gallbladder. This organ helps the liver in the digestion of fats. It is believed that a limited amount of fat prevents the gallbladder to contract and release its bile regularly, which could lead to the development of stones like substances in the bile harden and stagnation .
Gallstones and retention of bile causes the gallbladder to become inflamed. As it is located close approximation of the muscles of the back and abdomen on the right side , inflammation of organs can cause pain that radiates to the back and stomach.
Warning: If weight loss is inexplicable
If you lose weight without dieting and have back pain, it could be a sign of a serious medical condition. Cancerous tumors of the spine can cause weight loss, changes in appetite , fatigue, back pain , vomiting , fever and / or neurological problems. If you lose weight unexpectedly , consult a doctor.
For some people , losing weight quickly is a must. For others, it is a choice . Achieving a healthy weight is a goal that must be pursued for the sake of your back and your quality life . Beware of crash diets . Look for plans that take into account the nutrition and hydration . If you feel pain in a quick weight loss diet yet , or it could be a sign that your body is not getting what you need or that you work too hard