Fifteen Home Remedy Tips to Help Stop Snoring

Snoring can be a real challenge for some couples. The annoying snores produced by a partner lead to sleepless nights and can even put strain on your relationship. But there is no need to despair. There are many ways to help stop the snoring and the resentment that might come along with it. Asking why people snore first can also be helpful in deciding what techniques will work best.
Five Tips for Back Sleepers
1. Pillow Talk: if your partner sleeps on their back buy them a few new pillows and have them sleep a little more upright.
2. A New Angle: A good old fashioned answer for the snorer who sleeps on their back is to put your bed on an angle. Propping your bed up safely by adding a two by four under your box spring or the headboard will do the trick.
3. Roll Over: Give your partner a nudge when they start snoring and get them to roll over on their tummy or side. This is of course only a temporary solution as chances are they will wind up on their backs again at some point in the night.
4. Rig Their Pajamas: This may seem a little mean, but desperate situations call for desperate measures. Sew a tennis ball to the neck of their pajamas and when they roll on their back they will roll back on their side as it will be uncomfortable.
5. Hug a Pillow: This can sometimes stop snoring for those who sleep on their back.
Five Tips for Congestion
1. Medicate: Have them take a decongestant before bedtime. Keep in mind this could lead to a whole new snoring session if it puts them into a deeper sleep.
2. Gargle: Gargling before bed with peppermint can shrink the lining of the nose and throat. Use peppermint oil in water and gargle and spit.
3. Nasal Strips: Nasal strips open the passages of the nose for easier breathing.
4. Brace Yourself: A soft neck brace used for whiplash can also help those with nasal issues but getting your partner to wear one might be a bit of a struggle.
5. Clean up: Vacuuming, changing the sheets and keeping as little dust in the room as possible will lessen allergens in the room that can lead to snoring.
Five Lifestyle Changes
1. Stop Late Snacking: Avoiding large meals, alcohol or snacking before bed will also help stop snoring.
2. Lose Weight: A little personal, but if your partner is overweight, losing weight will help ease constricted airways. Just 10 percent of their body weight will make a huge difference to their health and snoring.
3. Quit Smoking: Snoring is just one more reason to quit smoking.
4. Check Medications: Have your partner check with their doctor to see if any of the medications they are taking can cause snoring. They can decide with their doctor if there are alternatives.
5. Humidifier or Vaporizer: Dry air can cause snoring. Use a humidifier or vaporizer by your partner's bed to add moisture to the air they breathe.
Further Snoring Solutions
There are also many products available on the market if the home remedies are not affective including:
• Snore Zip: This all natural oral spray is ideal if you have sinus and nasal issues as it helps break up mucous while increasing the flow of oxygen for a good night's sleep.
• Vital Sleep Stop Snoring: This mouthpiece is FDA approved and provides a free flow of air to your lungs.
• SnoreRx: This comfortable, customizable mouth guard is FDA approved and uses BPA free materials for safety.
• My Snoring Solution: This is a comfortable solution for better sleep without snoring and is ideal if you are prone to sleeping with your mouth open.
• Stop Snoring tonight: This is an actual program that provides you with a series of exercises for a perfectly natural, non-invasive solution without the use of drugs or an apparatus.
• Good Morning Snore Solution: This mouth guard is designed for comfort and has helped 70 percent of those who have tried it.
As you can see there are many options your partner can try to help them stop snoring. Knowing why do people snore will help you find the right solution.
If you don't have Sleep Apnea and Snoring is your problem, there are many treatments and remedies available to help you or your partner stop snoring. You can work together to find the option that is the most comfortable as well as the most effective. There are many products on the market to stop snoring and there is one perfect for you. To find out more information go to

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