Benefits of Arugula - Nature's Fat Burner!

Discover the incredible weight loss benefits of the rocket , the best way to prepare and what to eat to get maximum benefits rocket - an incredible fat burning foods of nature.

Also known as a rocket, rocket and rocket cruciferous vegetable , arugula has been in existence since Roman times . In fact, since that time , the Italians have always used the arugula leaves and seeds in your kitchen for aromatic oils.

Since the first century , it was believed that the seeds of arugula have incredible power and were used as aphrodisiac formula .

Roquette has tiny leaves that are light and dark leaf-shaped and taste like radishes, which means it has a spicy tang . A strong spicy flavor is characteristic of older leaves and those produced in warmer conditions.

Fat Burning Benefits of rocket

Possession of phytochemicals called indoles , using rocket ward off cancer . And low in calories , carbohydrates and sodium vegetable zero fat or cholesterol .

It is abundant in the following nutrients : proteins , riboflavin , thiamine , pantothenic acid , vitamin B - 6 , copper , folic acid , zinc , fiber , calcium, magnesium, iron , potassium, manganese, phosphorus , and vitamins A, C and K.

It contains a lot of calcium and potassium to form stable bone and blood pressure . Fiber gives you a feeling of satiety also contributes to the rapid elimination of toxins through the stool.

It is also a rich source of vitamins A and K plus folate.
Folate is essential for the creation of new tissue growth . Folic acid promotes healthy development and optimal conditions.

Because the human body can not make folate , you must obtain the necessary amounts of folic acid in foods or supplements . Because overcooking can easily end up with folate , avoid overcooking arugula .

A fat-soluble vitamin helps maintain good vision , smooth skin and mucous membranes moist . Its antioxidant properties help to repel free radicals damage cells and tissues.

Vitamin K body facilitates the synthesis of calcium . Helps protect against brittle bones and promotes skeletal strength . An additional advantage is that vitamin K is that it helps the blood to clot.

Rocket contains a large amount of beta -carotene, a powerful antioxidant that is useful in the prevention of vision problems, including night blindness , but is also useful in preventing skin disorders , colds, flu, virus and chronic infections, as it increases the immunity of your body, which helps protect against harmful toxins . It also protects people from cancer.

Rocket contains an abundance of lutein , a powerful antioxidant. As an antioxidant , lutein, fights free radicals in the system.

Research has also shown that lutein is good for the eyes, heart and skin, as well as effective against cancer , diabetes and immune problems.

preparation rocket

Healthy leaves and delicate arugula are best eaten raw. They add an incredible spicy flavor of green salads. You can eat as the main , green leafy vegetables (but be aware that they have a strong flavor , so base your decision on this) , or in a salad mixed with other vegetables.

The oldest fully expanded leaves are more suited to cooked dishes, a staple in Italian recipes .

Rocket leaves have a lively flavor that makes a great accompaniment to fruit salad. Use sparingly to add spice to a delicious fruit salad.

Add to sauce recipe or stew , or fry a bit to go with your main dish. Baby arugula should be used for salads , but older rocket must be cooked . Ideally, you arugula leaves appear vibrant, dark green . If the leaves are limp or are yellowing , go through them . Rinse the arugula and spin or dry, then place in the refrigerator wrapped in plastic .

The intention to eat in a day or two to get the best results , it is still cold, because it is a very delicate vegetable.

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