Good Nutrition is Essential to the Success of Your Over 40 Workout Program!

Fitness and nutrition go hand in hand . If you want to be fit , you need to draw a meal plan for you. This does not mean that you can not eat delicious food from time to time or have to starve yourself , but that does not mean you should eat foods that can help you stay healthy and fit. Just make a list of items that are not healthy or avoid difficult to burn and can greatly help in your training program . You can start by replacing the mayonnaise , mustard or switch low-fat or fat-free yogurt and eat a handful of healthy nuts (eg , almonds or walnuts ) , as a healthy snack instead of a bar Twinkie , cookies or candy .

Although good nutrition is important for people of all ages , which plays an even more important in a program over 40 years. You probably know as you get older , your metabolism slows down which means it is harder to burn the same number of calories. You must begin to change what you eat and include some exercise , of course. For weight loss and muscle building , it is essential that you eat well . Exercise alone can not make you look healthy and fit, if you do not have control over what you eat , and some experts believe that their diet is about 80 % responsible for the way you look .

The food we eat and the supplements we take help us to provide energy and building blocks of our body needs. Eat several small meals throughout the day is better in the body and helps them work more efficiently and increases your metabolism, which will help you stay in shape. A healthy diet always leads to better fitness and performance improvement , I know because I noticed immediately the difference in my performance when I play racquetball or baseball since I started to eat better and I kept a good general level of fitness.

A well-defined exercise program should include strength training and good nutrition plan . For middle-aged men over 40 years of strength training and 40 training should be supplemented by a good diet . You can not completely avoid carbohydrates or fats , because they also have their place in maintaining fitness and good growth . The main concern is to balance with protein intake to maintain fitness or as close to perfect as possible.

A nutritious diet should properly include a proportionate amount of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. Determining the amount of protein intake necessary for your health is important and can vary depending on your ultimate goal. If you intend to build extra muscle , he will have to watch your intake of protein. A rule of thumb is to eat 1 gram of protein per pound of weight. For example, if you weigh 180 pounds , you should consume 180 grams of protein per day. The good thing is that you can get protein in different ways with many different types of foods and supplements . Some examples are meat , nuts , dairy products , protein bars / shakes, etc.

Carbohydrates act as the power house of your body. They provide the much needed energy to the body to stay active. Many believe that carbohydrate consumption is taboo , but in reality , they have their place. Once you know what you 're ultimate goal is and that you understand the amount of carbohydrates you need , you can begin to control the consumption of carbohydrates in a way so that you get the offer your body needs energy , again depending on your needs and the level of activity without it and let unburned carbohydrates turn to sag. For example, if you eat pasta , some carbohydrates are converted into sugar and ultimately be stored as fat . The best remedy is to take a jog or something more physically active to make the best use of carbohydrates , once the food was fairly constant (30-60 minutes).

Also fats are also essential for the body , assuming that you are getting the good fats and fats even help in the production of cell membranes , maintain healthy skin and keep your hair healthy to name a few reasons . You must learn to differentiate between fat fast burning and do not worry, they are good fats : Saturated ? unsaturated ? trans? You must regulate fat intake and limit those that can be fatal for the heart and overall health .

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