5 Nutrition Tips to Help You Maintain a Healthy and Fit Figure

This is something we all seek , eat healthy . For many of us eat healthy is as difficult as trying to understand quantum physics. Ok , maybe not that hard, but for some reason most of us struggle to try to eat healthy . This could be because you're lazy , or maybe just can not stand cooking or can not cook , this is what we must do our minds that having a healthy and balanced eating habits can . Everyone knows that eating every day at fast food restaurants is not the way to keep the figure in shape. Despite this, it seems that few people really know how to eat properly. To help you get on the right track , here are five tips to keep in mind the nutrition.

1 . Eat complex carbohydrates
While complex carbohydrates are good for breakfast, you want to try to avoid simple carbs at all costs. These carbohydrates are found in refined sugar, honey, fruit juice. Although you have a great fast will not let you fall so fast. Instead , you want to get your carbohydrates from brown rice , oats, barley and wild rice. Instead of eating white bread , try to resist and eat whole wheat instead , but beware of wheat breads that just say , it does not mean it is whole wheat. Obviously , candy and ice cream are all simple carbohydrates to avoid . Remember, it's okay to reward yourself from time to time .

2 . Always eat breakfast
It is amazing how few people take the time to sit down and have breakfast . Want to eat a healthy and nutritious breakfast every morning that includes protein and complex carbohydrates own . Complex carbohydrates help provide energy while protein ensures that the body is ready to reconstruct the tissue material . I like to eat oatmeal or whole wheat English muffin with egg, ham and cheese. Which is an excellent source of complex carbohydrates , protein, calcium and vitamin b . I wash everything with skim milk.

3 . Do not run from all fats
You 'd never guess that fats should be included in your diet, but dietary fat are something that should be in your diet. Eating the right amount of fat will help you increase your metabolic rate to help burn fat really . If you do not have fat in your diet to reduce the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream , the levels of blood sugar to rise quickly. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are a couple that are good for you .

4 . Get rid of excess fat
He probably knew it was coming, but there are some things you must eliminate from your diet from the beginning. You will want to remove the excess fat, salt and sugar from your diet . Some of the things that are in these categories include soft drinks, cookies, chips and fried foods , fatty meats and even . Meats that are good for you are: Turkey , chicken and lean beef .

5 . Yes, you can eat 5-6 meals per day
Unlike breakfast, lunch, dinner routine you 've probably heard many times , you want to make a habit of eating five to six meals per day . By eating small meals every few hours , your body can not digest food. Also, the food will maintain stable levels of blood sugar throughout the day and control the cravings you can get. Eat 5-6 meals not only help your desire, but also help your metabolism to slow down.

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